SN-Pixel (2-button controls) User Manual

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Feature overview

27 Soundfont Sets: Luke/Kylo Ren/Obi-Wan/Anakin/Darth Vader/Ahsoka Tano/Emperor/Leia/Darth Maul/Dooku/Dark-Side Rey/Cal/... Kestis/Yoda/Darksaber/Revan/Starkiller
Infinite blade colors
9 blade effect sets: Ghost/Cross/Infinite/Wave/Rainbow/Fire/Stable/Unstable/Pulse
11 boot/ignition effect sets: Tip/Standard/Drop/jump/Ends/Fire/Movement/Drop Stack/Charge/...

Charging time: 2 hours
Usable time on a full charge: 4 hours

Button names

  1. PWR (if buttons are the same size, then PWR is the top button. Otherwise, it's the larger button if they are different sizes.)
  2. AUX (if buttons are the same size, then AUX is the bottom button. Otherwise, it's the smaller button if they are different sizes.)

Turning on/off

Wake mode

This saber has what is called "Wake mode" which is a low-power mode in between being completely off and having the blade actually on (ignited).

To enable Wake mode, hold the PWR button for 3 seconds.

To turn it back off from Wake mode, hold PWR button for 8 seconds or simply leave alone for 20 minutes, after which it will automatically turn off to save power.

Igniting/Activating The Blade

While in Wake mode, tap the PWR button to turn the saber blade on. (Holding the button down too long will trigger other commands instead of powering up the blade.)

GESTURE CONTROL: give a sharp controlled twist around the axis of the blade while pointing it straight out to turn it on with style. This may take some practice to master, so give it a few tries if it doesn't work right away; you may not have used the appropriate angle, force, or speed.

Powering Down The Blade

Tap the PWR button to turn the saber blade off; the saber will still be in Wake mode.

GESTURE CONTROL: give a sharp controlled twist around the axis of the blade while pointing it straight out to turn it off with style. This may take some practice to master, so give it a few tries if it doesn't work right away; you may not have used the appropriate angle, force, or speed.

Changing Colors

GESTURE CONTROL: while the blade is on, hold the AUX button, point the blade downwards, then give a sharp controlled twist around the axis of the blade to toggle to the next color quickly. This may take some practice to master, so give it a few tries if it doesn't work right away; you may not have used the appropriate angle, force, or speed.

Lightsaber effects (saber must be turned on)

Blaster sound: Tap the AUX button.
Lock-up loop: Press the AUX button for 1 second then release to activate lock up. Press it again to end the lock up loop.
Flash-on-clash: The saber will automatically flash white and emit a sound when it hits another surface. To turn this effect off, while the blade is on press the PWR and AUX buttons at the same time to toggle Flash-on-clash on/off.
Drag: Hold the PWR button then hit the saber.
Melt: Hold the AUX button then thrust the saber.
Force: Point the blade upwards, hold the AUX button, then twist the saber

Blade Effect Switching

This model has 9 blade effect sets: Ghost/Cross/Infinite/Wave/Rainbow/Fire/Stable/Unstable/Pulse

While the blade is off (in Wake mode), hold the AUX button for 1 second to switch to the next blade effect.

Boot Effect Switching

This model has 11 boot effect sets: Tip/Standard/Drop/jump/Ends/Fire/Movement/Drop Stack/Charge/...

While the blade is off (in Wake mode), hold the PWR button for 1 second to switch to the next boot effect.

Volume Adjustment

While blade is off (in Wake mode), hold the PWR and AUX buttons at the same time, then release them after hearing the prompt tone to enter the volume adjustment mode. While in this mode, you can click the PWR button to increase the volume and click the AUX button to decrease the volume, and pressing and holding both the PWR and AUX buttons until you hear it beep will exit this mode.

Sound Font Switching

While blade is off (in Wake mode), press the AUX button to select the next sound font.

GESTURE CONTROL: while the blade is off (in Wake mode), hold the AUX button, point the blade upwards, then give a sharp controlled twist around the axis of the blade to switch to a different sound font. This may take some practice to master, so give it a few tries if it doesn't work right away; you may not have used the appropriate angle, force, or speed.

Background Music

This model comes with background music files that you can toggle with gesture controls.

GESTURE CONTROL: while the blade is off (in Wake mode), hold the AUX button, point the blade downwards, then give a sharp controlled twist around the axis of the blade to toggle music tracks. This may take some practice to master, so give it a few tries if it doesn't work right away; you may not have used the appropriate angle, force, or speed.

Configuring Saber Using SD Card config file

  1. Open the set folder in the SD card and find the config file to edit
  2. Pixel number setting for main blade
    1. PixelNumber=132(The value ranges from 0 to 144, 132=92cm/36inch blade, 116=82cm/32inch blade)
  3. Pixel number setting for side blade (e.g. for crossguard sabers)
    1. SubPixelNumber=132(The value ranges from 0 to 144, 132=92cm/36inch blade, 116=82cm/32inch blade)
  4. Side blade delay time setting (e.g. for crossguard sabers)
    1. SubBladeDelay=200 (200 is 200ms, you can set it at any value)
  5. Volume setting
    1. MixerVolumeMax=4500(It can be set to a value between 0 and 4500)
  6. Clash sensitivity setting
    1. ClashSensitivity=10(Can be set to a value between 0 and 10)
  7. Gesture mode setting
    1. TwistPwrOn=1(1 means on, and 0 means off)
    2. TwistPwrOff=1(1 means on, and 0 means off)
  8. Twist sensitivity setting
    1. TwistSensitivity=5(Can be set to a value between 0 and 10)
  9. Swing on setting
    1. SwingPwrOn=1(1 means on, and 0 means off)
  10. Swing on sensitivity setting
    1. SwingPwrOnSensitivity=6(Can be set to a value between 0 and 10)
  11. Combine with sound font and default blade color, blade effect and boot light effect

TXQ SN-Pixel config file settings

Adding Downloaded Sound Fonts to SD Card

Make sure the replaced or added sound folder is in the following format:

  • xxx (x).wav
  • Blast: blst (x).wav
  • Clash: clsh (x).wav
  • Drag: drag (x).wav
  • Font name display: font (x).wav
  • Hum: hum (x).wav
  • Font boot music: in (x).wav
  • Lock up music: lock (x).wav
  • Font off music: out (x).wav
  • Swing sound: swingh (*).wav swingl (*).wav (for high and low respectively)
  • bgm track (*).wav

To replace a sound font, change the name of the new sound font folder to the name of the one that needs to be replaced and overwrite it.

To delete a sound font, delete it from the SD card directly.

To add a new sound font, add it to the SD card directly. NOTE: Be sure it does not contain any subfolders and follows the file formats above.


When the battery runs low, a voice will sound to inform you the battery is low. Insert the charging cable in the DC port. The hilt will have a "pulsing" light indicating that it is charging. Once it is fully charged, the light will either turn off or remain lit and steady to indicate a full charge.

Symptoms of low battery

If you haven't charged it recently, the saber may flash on clash with a red tinge; if you don't notice this or ignore it long enough, the saber will turn off automatically and no longer be powered on OR in wake mode until recharged.