Proffie User Manual

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If you're here, we're assuming you want to operate one of the following sabers:

If you are unsure of whether this is the correct manual for you, you can always visit the product page of the lightsaber you purchased from us, and the web page will mention relevant manuals for applicable models. You can also contact us via chat, email us at, or DM us on Instagram @deluxesabers.

Proffie 2.2 Instructions for Use

****** WHILE SABER BLADE IS OFF *********

Turning on/off

Turn blade ON - Short click POW (or gestures if defined, uses FastOn)
Turn ON without preon - Short click POW while pointing up.
Turn blade ON Muted - 4x click and hold POW.

Sound Presets

Next Preset - Long click and release POW.
Prev Preset - Double click and hold POW, release after a second. (click then long click)


Play/Stop Track - 4x click POW.

Volume controls

Volume Menu:

  • Enter/Exit - Hold POW + Clash.
  • Volume UP - Long click and release POW while in Volume Menu. (just like next preset)
  • Volume DOWN - Double click and hold POW, release after a second while in Volume Menu. (click then long click, just like next preset)

Battery Controls

Spoken Battery Level:

  • in volts - Triple click POW.
  • in percentage - Triple click and hold POW.

On-Demand Batt Level - Double click POW.

  • (requires EFFECT_BATTERY_LEVEL to be in blade style, and uses battery.wav sound effect.)

******** WHILE SABER BLADE IS ON *********


Play/Stop Track - 4x click POW.

Sound Presets

  • Next Preset - Long click and release POW while pointing up.
  • Prev Preset - Double click and release POW after a second while pointing up. (click then long click)

Blade Effects

  • Clash - No buttons, just hit the blade against something.
    • In Battle Mode, Hold POW and Clash to temporarily override the auto-lockup and do regular Clash.
  • Stab - Either no button and just thrust forward, or hold any button and physically stab something. Works in Battle Mode!
  • Blaster Blocks - Click or Double click POW.
  • Auto Swing Blast - if #define ENABLE_AUTO_SWING_BLAST is active, swinging within 1 second of doing button activated Blaster Block will start this timed mode. To trigger auto blaster blocks, swing saber within 1 second of last Swing Blast block. To exit, stop swinging for 1 second.
  • Lockup - Hold POW + Clash.
    • In Battle Mode, just Clash and stay there, pull away or press POW to end lockup.
  • Drag - Hold POW + Clash while pointing down.
  • Melt - No button, just stab something. pull away or press POW to end.
  • Lightning Block - Double click and hold POW.
  • Battle Mode - Triple click and hold POW to enter and exit.
    • Power OFF is disabled while in Battle Mode,
  • Force Effect - Hold POW + Twist. (while NOT pointing up or down)
  • Monophonic Force - Hold POW + Twist. (while pointing up)
  • Force Push - Push hilt perpendicularly from a stop.

Color Effects

Color Change Mode - Hold POW + Twist. (while pointing down)
- Rotate hilt to cycle through all available colors, or
- Click POW to change if ColorChange<> used in blade style,
- Click + hold POW to save color selection and exit.
- Triple click POW to exit without changing color.

ColorChange explained:
If the style uses ColorChange<>, when you activate color change mode, there will be up to 12 steps per rotation with a little sound at each step.
If it does not use ColorChange<>, the color wheel will be activated, which has 32768 steps per rotation.
COLOR_CHANGE_DIRECT makes it so that IF the style uses ColorChange<>, when you activate color change mode, it will immediately go to the next color and exit color change mode. If the style does not use ColorChange<>, it has no effect.

Other effects

  • Quote Player - Triple click POW.
  • Swap (EffectSequence) - 4x click and hold POW medium. (while NOT pointing up)
  • PowerSave Dim Blade - 4x click and hold POW medium. (while pointing up)
    • To use Power Save requires AlphaL based EffectSequence in style

Turning off

Turn off blade - Hold POW and wait until blade is off, or twist if using #define BC_TWIST_OFF.


When the battery runs low, a voice will sound to inform you the battery is low. Insert the charging cable in the DC/USB port. The hilt will have a "pulsing" light indicating that it is charging. Once it is fully charged, the light will either turn off or remain lit and steady to indicate a full charge.

Symptoms of low battery

If you haven't charged it recently, the saber may flash on clash with a red tinge; if you don't notice this or ignore it long enough, the saber will turn off automatically and no longer be powered on OR in wake mode until recharged.